Luciano Migliorati (1943 - 2004) was a contemporary painter who chose the painting as a faithful fellow for his existence. He attended the "Savoldo" Institute Of Art in Brescia, devoting since his youth to the painting. He began his expositive activity in 1971 with a personal exhibition at the "Piccola Galleria di Brescia". Since that time the personal ones made in all Italy have been more than 70 and numerous also the collective ones and the attained prizes.

In the L.M painting a fundamental theme keeps constant during the time and consistently repeats itself in every work of this artist: the solitude. A theme which sinks its long and ancient roots into the biography of the painter himself, into his difficult and different childhood, into his character, where the shy discretion and the modesty of this man born in Brescia melt with an innate sensitivity and kindness of mind.

Looking through the Migliorati's paintings we have the sensation to be in front of a painter authentically able to give a lyric intonation to backgrounds and landscapes, where the time, in a certain sense, often seems to stop, almost to underline the eternity of a moment gathered by the instinct, by the inspiration of the artist.

A big part of the paintings represents visions that we could define " behind the glass of a window ". A window closed, that the intertwined gashes of light, that light up landscapes without noise nor people, or figures of motionless women standing beside railings and windows; all those images remind us that they are always the observation and departure point from which Migliorati he has chosen to search things, nature and, after all, himself.

Than the light intervenes as inalienable element of his pictorial page, as an element which source is not visible, but that suddenly appears from some corner of the surface, lighting up sets and particulars, always with the strict respect of the silence which wraps every images of him.

Even if they represent the sad and mysterious world of the "Bassa Bresciana" or the views of the sunny countries and the blocks of buildings in the south of Italy, the unifying and characteristic datum that joins all the painter's work is a strong feeling of exclusion. The little agglomerates of houses without windows castled on far hills, the immovable and insuperable rivers, the lonely trees, the railings and the fences behind the ones watched over vegetations rise silently, the long spaces that separate the base of the picture from the subject of the work, are symbols of a reality and of a world that Migliorati cannot reach and penetrate.

They are also the paradigm of a internal struggle, never solved, begun in the painter's childhood when the rush and the will to know and to test the world and the outside things were frustrated by the impossibilities imposed by a weak health.

It continued in the adult age, when this struggle, all personal but in universal, becomes a fight between free and generous spouting feelings and passions and the fear of the rational "Ego" not to be able to control them.